
People in Wales want policing to be devolved

In response to the Welsh Government saying that it wanted policing to be devolved to Wales, the new Tory Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys, Christopher Salmon, told the BBC that:

There was "no real appetite out there" to devolve policing.

"It's much more to do with a power grab by political anoraks in Cardiff Bay than it is about what people really need," he said.

BBC, 19 February 2009

I think it would be timely to remind him, and any others who oppose the devolution of policing to Wales, of the results of a survey by YouGov for Prifysgol Aberystwyth in 2009.

For each of the following issues, please indicate which level of government you think should have responsibility for making decisions relating to it in Wales:


The Welsh Government ... 50%
The UK Government ... 33%
Local Councils in Wales ... 10%
The European Union ... 1%
Don't know ... 7%

YouGov/Prifysgol Aberystwyth Survey, 23 October 2009

It's also worth pointing out that there is a margin in favour of devolving policing to Wales from supporters of all four parties at Assembly elections, including those who vote Tory. This is the breakdown:

The Welsh Government ... Plaid 72%, Lab 58%, Tory 42%, LibDem 57%
The UK Government ... Plaid 16%, Lab 33%, Tory 41%, LibDem 36%
Local Councils in Wales ... Plaid 9%, Lab 4%, Tory 15%, LibDem 9%
The European Union ... Plaid 0%, Lab 0%, Tory 0%, LibDem 0%
Don't know ... Plaid 3%, Lab 4%, Tory 2%, LibDem 3%

So wouldn't it be nice if politicians from all four parties could unite behind the views of their supporters and back the devolution of policing to Wales?


A slightly different question, ths time about devolution of policing and criminal justice, was asked by RMG-Clarity in March 2011. The result was an even more emphatic yes:

Would you like to see the Assembly gain responsibility for police and the criminal justice system?

Yes ... 56.7%
No ... 26.0%
Don't know/unsure ... 17.3%

RMG-Clarity, March 2011

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Efrogwr said...

Is this Christopher Salmon the same one who got elected to his commissioner's post with a very small majority on a 17.1% turnout? Now that's what I would call "no real appetite"!

Alwyn ap Huw said...

I had a YouGov Survey on Monday asking the same question, the result will probably be available soon.

MH said...

I've just realized that I said almost exactly the same thing only last month when Damian Green came out with the same phrase. Sorry about that. I've also added the result of the RMG-Clarity poll that I mentioned then.

It's nice to hear that YouGov are asking the question again, Alwyn. I guess it's for ITV Wales because the BBC tend to use ICM ... which is a reminder that if BBC Cymru's budget hasn't been cut too much we should expect the results of their annual St David's Day poll in a week or so.

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